

Di Federica Brogna

Silvia Orciari cultivated a love singing from the early years of her life, with her father Paolo as her mentor, a biopranotherapist who inspired her understanding of the connection between music and well-being. Through the influence of figures such as Louise Hay and dr. Claudio Naranjo, she hasdeepened her awareness of the importance of being in tune with others and with the universe.

The path accompanied by the masters

Her holistic journey of inner growth was intertwined with her passion for singing, guiding her in the discovery and development of her talent, wich she now shares to help others discover theirs. Thanks to singing masters such as Ermanno Balducci and Gisela Romhert, she has honed her skills and has performed all over the world, including notable success in Japan with five solo concerts.

A versatile and enriching path

In addition to her experience in the world of classical music, she has explored the language of musicals with Ritmosfera Company, embracing a repertoire that ranges from Disney songs to Broadway ones. Her training was further enriched with her career as a Gestalt Counselor at the IGB, integrating her knowledge of energy therapy with local expression.

The harmony between personal growth and singing

For Silvia, making music means being music itself, embodying one’s essence and radiating a light that resonates with everyone she meets along her path. Her personal approach to singing, which she has dubbed “Integrative Singing”, reflects herdeep belief in using music as a vehicles for healing and personal transformation.

In the tumult of modern life, where caos often overwhelms inner calm, “Integrative Song” emerges as a beacon of light, guiding those who embrace it toward a deep connection with themselves and the world around them.At the center of this extraordinary journey of discovery lies Silvia Orciari, a devoted and inspiring guide who has dedicated her life to revealing the transformative potential of Integrative Singing.

Integration: union of aspects of the Self and the world

The heart of “Integrative Song” lies in integration, the process of uniting various aspects of the self and the surrounding world. Through the practise of singing, Silvia invites us to explore the depths of our interiority, welcoming every nuance of our experience and finding harmony even in dissonances.

Assertiveness: living in resonance with your mission

In “Integrative Song“, assertiveness plays a fundamental role. It’s about more than simply expressing yourself; it is a form of being and acting in full harmony with one’s mission. With Silvia’s guidance, we learn to find our authentic voice and bring it into the world with confidence and determination.

Presence: being there consciously through singing

The practice of singing becomes a privileged way to cultivate conscious presence. Through breath and sound, we come into contact with the present moment, embracing the fullness of being there. With Silvia as our guide, we learn to blend our breath with the melody of the moment, creating a sacred space in which to fully exist.

Authenticity: revealing the authentic self through relational singing

Finally, in the “Integrative Song“, we find authenticity, which invites us to be true with oursleves and with others. Through relational singing, we discover the power of authentically connecting with others human beings, revealing our deepest thruths and creating authentic bonds based on sharing experiences and emotions.

Integrative Song” presents itself as a powerful tool for evolution and rebirth. Through the loving and insightful guidance of Silvia Orciari, we venture on a journey of discovery that helps us reconnect with the source of our being, overcome our blocks and reveal our extraordinary inner potential. With the Integrative Song, we find the authentic voice of our history and what we truly are, illuminating our path with the light of awareness and integration.

The enohanting voice of Silvia Orciari

Silvia Orciari is not only a guide in the world of Integrative Song, but she is also a singer of rare beauty and talent. The Our Father in Aramaic represents one of her most famous pieces, celebrated for its emotional depth and ability to convey a unique spiritual connection. With her enveloping voice and vibrant harmonies, Silvia transports the listener to a realm of purity and spirituality, touching deep chords and arousing emotions that resonate in the infinity of our existence.

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